Source code for webstruct.webannotator

:mod:`webstruct.webannotator` provides functions for working with HTML
pages annotated with WebAnnotator_ Firefox extension.

.. _WebAnnotator:
from __future__ import absolute_import
import re
import warnings
import random
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import xml.sax.handler
import lxml.sax
from lxml import html
from lxml.etree import Element, LXML_VERSION

from webstruct.utils import html_document_fromstring

    # foreground, background
    ("#000000", "#33CCFF"),
    ("#000000", "#FF0000"),
    ("#000000", "#33FF33"),
    ("#000000", "#CC66CC"),
    ("#000000", "#FF9900"),
    ("#000000", "#99FFFF"),
    ("#000000", "#FF6666"),
    ("#000000", "#66FF99"),
    ("#FFFFFF", "#3333FF"),
    ("#FFFFFF", "#660000"),
    ("#FFFFFF", "#006600"),
    ("#FFFFFF", "#663366"),
    ("#FFFFFF", "#993300"),
    ("#FFFFFF", "#336666"),
    ("#FFFFFF", "#666600"),
    ("#FFFFFF", "#009900"),

def _get_colors(index):
        return DEFAULT_COLORS[index]
    except IndexError:
        fg = random.choice(["#000000", "#FFFFFF"])
        bg = "#" + "".join(random.choice("01234567890ABCDEF") for x in range(6))
        return fg, bg

[docs]class EntityColors(defaultdict): """ ``{"entity_name": ("fg_color", "bg_color", entity_index)}`` mapping that generates entries for new entities on first access. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.next_index = len(kwargs) super(EntityColors, self).__init__(self._new_item_factory, **kwargs) def _new_item_factory(self): fg, bg = _get_colors(self.next_index) self.next_index += 1 return fg, bg, self.next_index-1 @classmethod
[docs] def from_htmlfile(cls, path, encoding=None): """ Load the color mapping from WebAnnotator-annotated HTML file """ with open(path, 'rb') as f: return cls.from_htmlbytes(, encoding=encoding)
[docs] def from_htmlbytes(cls, html_bytes, encoding=None): colors = cls() tree = html_document_fromstring(html_bytes, encoding=encoding) for wa_color in tree.xpath('//wa-color'): assert wa_color.get('id').lower().startswith('wa-color-') idx = int(wa_color.get('id')[len("WA-color-"):]) fg = wa_color.get('fg') bg = wa_color.get('bg') typ = wa_color.get('type') colors[typ] = (fg, bg, idx) return colors
def apply_wa_title(tree): """ Replace page's ``<title>`` contents with a contents of ``<wa-title>`` element and remove ``<wa-title>`` tag. WebAnnotator > 1.14 allows annotation of ``<title>`` contents; it is stored after body in ``<wa-title>`` elements. """ for wa_title in tree.xpath('//wa-title'): titles = tree.xpath('//title') if not titles: wa_title.drop_tree() return title = titles[0] head = title.getparent() head.insert(head.index(title), wa_title) title.drop_tree() wa_title.tag = 'title' return class _WaContentHandler(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler): TAG_SPLIT_RE = re.compile(r'\s?(__(?:START|END)_(?:\w+)__)\s?') TAG_PARSE_RE = re.compile(r'__(START|END)_(\w+)__') def __init__(self, entity_colors=None): self.idx = 0 self.entity = None self.text_buf = [] self.out = lxml.sax.ElementTreeContentHandler(makeelement=html.Element) if entity_colors is None: entity_colors = EntityColors() self.entity_colors = entity_colors def startElementNS(self, name, qname, attributes): self._flush() self._closeSpan() # print('start %s' % qname) self.out.startElementNS(name, qname, attributes) self._openSpan() def endElementNS(self, name, qname): self._flush() self._closeSpan() # print('end %s' % qname) self.out.endElementNS(name, qname) self._openSpan() # print("") def characters(self, data): self.text_buf.append(data) def startDocument(self): self.out.startDocument() def endDocument(self): self.out.endDocument() def _flush(self): self.text = ''.join(self.text_buf) self.text_buf = [] if self.text: tokens = self.TAG_SPLIT_RE.split(self.text) for token in tokens: m = self.TAG_PARSE_RE.match(token.strip()) if m: event, entity = m.groups() if event == 'START': self.entity = entity self._openSpan() elif event == 'END': assert entity == self.entity self._closeSpan() self.idx += 1 self.entity = None else: self.out.characters(token) # print("write %r" % token) def _closeSpan(self): if self.entity: # print('close span %s' % self.entity) self.out.endElement('span') def _openSpan(self): if self.entity: # print('open span %s' % self.entity) fg, bg, entity_idx = self.entity_colors[self.entity] attrs = OrderedDict([ ('wa-id', str(self.idx)), ('wa-type', str(self.entity)), ('wa-subtypes', ''), ('style', 'color:%s; background-color:%s;' % (fg, bg)), ('class', 'WebAnnotator_%s' % self.entity), ]) self.out.startElement('span', _fix_sax_attributes(attrs)) def _fix_sax_attributes(attrs): """ Fix sax startElement attributes for lxml < 3.1.2 """ if LXML_VERSION >= (3,1,2): return attrs items = [((None, key), value) for key, value in attrs.items()] return OrderedDict(items) def _add_wacolor_elements(tree, entity_colors): """ Add <wa-color> elements after <body>:: <wa-color id="WA-color-0" bg="#33CCFF" fg="#000000" class="WebAnnotator_ORG" type="ORG"> """ body = tree.find('.//body') if body is None: warnings.warn("html has no <body>, <wa-color> elements are not added") return for wa_color in tree.xpath('//wa-color'): wa_color.drop_tree() items = sorted(entity_colors.items(), key=lambda it: -it[1][2]) for ent, (fg, bg, idx) in items: attrs = OrderedDict([ ('id', "WA-color-%s" % idx), ('bg', bg), ('fg', fg), ('class', "WebAnnotator_%s" % ent), ('type', ent), ]) wa_color = Element("wa-color", attrs) body.addnext(wa_color) def _copy_title(tree): # <wa-title style="box-shadow:0 0 1em black;border:2px solid blue;padding:0.5em;">Contact</wa-title> title = tree.find('.//title') if title is None: return body = tree.find('.//body') if body is None: warnings.warn("html has no <body>, <wa-title> element is not added") return for wa_title in tree.xpath('//wa-title'): wa_title.drop_tree() wa_title = deepcopy(title) wa_title.tag = 'wa-title' wa_title.set('style', 'box-shadow:0 0 1em black;border:2px solid blue;padding:0.5em;') body.addnext(wa_title) text = title.xpath('string()') title.clear() title.text = text
[docs]def to_webannotator(tree, entity_colors=None): """ Convert a tree loaded by one of WebStruct loaders to WebAnnotator format. If you want a predictable colors assignment use ``entity_colors`` argument; it should be a mapping ``{'entity_name': (fg, bg, entity_idx)}``; entity names should be lowercased. You can use :class:`EntityColors` to generate this mapping automatically: >>> from webstruct.webannotator import EntityColors, to_webannotator >>> # trees = ... >>> entity_colors = EntityColors() >>> wa_trees = [to_webannotator(tree, entity_colors) for tree in trees] # doctest: +SKIP """ handler = _WaContentHandler(entity_colors) lxml.sax.saxify(tree, handler) tree = handler.out.etree _copy_title(tree) _add_wacolor_elements(tree, handler.entity_colors) return tree