
0.4.1 (2016-11-28)

  • fixed a bug in NER.extract().

0.4 (2016-11-26)

  • sklearn-crfsuite is used as a CRFsuite wrapper, CRFsuiteCRF class is removed;
  • comments are preserved in HTML trees because recent Firefox puts <base> tags to a comment when saving pages, and this affects WebAnnotator;
  • fixed ‘dont_penalize’ argument of webstruct.NER.extract_groups_from_url;
  • new webstruct.model.extract_entity_groups utility function;
  • HtmlTokenizer and HtmlToken are modev to their own module (webstruct.html_tokenizer);
  • test improvements;

0.3 (2016-09-19)

There are many changes from previous version: API is changed, Python 3 is supported, better gazetteers support, CRFsuite support, etc.