Source code for webstruct.crfsuite

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
CRFsuite_ backend for webstruct based on python-crfsuite_ and sklearn-crfsuite_.

.. _CRFsuite:
.. _python-crfsuite:
.. _sklearn-crfsuite:

from __future__ import absolute_import
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

from webstruct import HtmlFeatureExtractor

[docs]class CRFsuitePipeline(Pipeline): """ A pipeline for HTML tagging using CRFsuite. It combines a feature extractor and a CRF; they are available as :attr:`fe` and :attr:`crf` attributes for easier access. In addition to that, this class adds support for X_dev/y_dev arguments for :meth:`fit` and :meth:`fit_transform` methods - they work as expected, being transformed using feature extractor. """ def __init__(self, fe, crf): self.fe = fe self.crf = crf super(CRFsuitePipeline, self).__init__([ ('vec', self.fe), ('clf', self.crf), ]) def fit(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): X_dev = fit_params.pop('X_dev', None) if X_dev is not None: fit_params['clf__X_dev'] = self.fe.transform(X_dev) fit_params['clf__y_dev'] = fit_params.pop('y_dev', None) return super(CRFsuitePipeline, self).fit(X, y, **fit_params) def fit_transform(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): X_dev = fit_params.pop('X_dev', None) if X_dev is not None: fit_params['clf__X_dev'] = self.fe.transform(X_dev) fit_params['clf__y_dev'] = fit_params.pop('y_dev', None) return super(CRFsuitePipeline, self).fit_transform(X, y, **fit_params)
[docs]def create_crfsuite_pipeline(token_features=None, global_features=None, min_df=1, **crf_kwargs): """ Create :class:`CRFsuitePipeline` for HTML tagging using CRFsuite. This pipeline expects data produced by :class:`~.HtmlTokenizer` as an input and produces sequences of IOB2 tags as output. Example:: import webstruct from webstruct.features import EXAMPLE_TOKEN_FEATURES # load train data html_tokenizer = webstruct.HtmlTokenizer() train_trees = webstruct.load_trees( "train/*.html", webstruct.WebAnnotatorLoader() ) X_train, y_train = html_tokenizer.tokenize(train_trees) # train model = webstruct.create_crfsuite_pipeline( token_features = EXAMPLE_TOKEN_FEATURES, ), y_train) # load test data test_trees = webstruct.load_trees( "test/*.html", webstruct.WebAnnotatorLoader() ) X_test, y_test = html_tokenizer.tokenize(test_trees) # do a prediction y_pred = model.predict(X_test) """ from sklearn_crfsuite import CRF if token_features is None: token_features = [] fe = HtmlFeatureExtractor(token_features, global_features, min_df=min_df) crf = CRF(**crf_kwargs) return CRFsuitePipeline(fe, crf)