Source code for webstruct.html_tokenizer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:mod:`webstruct.html_tokenizer` contains :class:`HtmlTokenizer` class
which allows to extract text from a web page and tokenize it, preserving
information about token position in HTML tree
(token + its tree position = :class:`HtmlToken`). :class:`HtmlTokenizer`
also allows to extract annotations from the tree (if present) and split
them from regular text/tokens.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import re
import copy
from itertools import groupby
from collections import namedtuple
import six
from six.moves import zip

from lxml.etree import XPathEvaluator, Comment

from webstruct.sequence_encoding import IobEncoder
from webstruct.text_tokenizers import tokenize
from webstruct.utils import (

_HtmlToken = namedtuple('HtmlToken', 'index tokens elem is_tail')

[docs]class HtmlToken(_HtmlToken): """ HTML token info. Attributes: * :attr:`index` is a token index (in the :attr:`tokens` list) * :attr:`tokens` is a list of all tokens in current html block * :attr:`elem` is the current html block (as lxml's Element) - most likely you want :attr:`parent` instead of it * :attr:`is_tail` flag indicates that token belongs to element tail Computed properties: * :attr:`token` is the current token (as text); * :attr:`parent` is token's parent HTML element (as lxml's Element); * :attr:`root` is an ElementTree this token belongs to. """ @property def token(self): return self.tokens[self.index] @property def parent(self): if not self.is_tail: return self.elem return self.elem.getparent() @property def root(self): return self.elem.getroottree() def __repr__(self): return "HtmlToken(token=%r, parent=%r, index=%s)" % ( self.token, self.parent, self.index )
[docs]class HtmlTokenizer(object): """ Class for converting HTML trees (returned by one of the :mod:`webstruct.loaders`) into lists of :class:`HtmlToken` instances and associated tags. Also, it can do the reverse conversion. Use :meth:`tokenize_single` to convert a single tree and :meth:`tokenize` to convert multiple trees. Use :meth:`detokenize_single` to get an annotated tree out of a list of :class:`HtmlToken` instances and a list of tags. Parameters ---------- tagset : set, optional A set of entity types to keep. If not passed, all entity types are kept. Use this argument to discard some entity types from training data. sequence_encoder : object, optional Sequence encoder object. If not passed, :class:`~webstruct.sequence_encoding.IobEncoder` instance is created. text_toknize_func : callable, optional Function used for tokenizing text inside HTML elements. By default, :class:`HtmlTokenizer` uses :func:`webstruct.text_tokenizers.tokenize`. kill_html_tags: set, optional A set of HTML tags which should be removed. Contents inside removed tags is not removed. See :func:`webstruct.utils.kill_html_tags` replace_html_tags: dict, optional A mapping ``{'old_tagname': 'new_tagname'}``. It defines how tags should be renamed. See :func:`webstruct.utils.replace_html_tags` ignore_html_tags: set, optional A set of HTML tags which won't produce :class:`HtmlToken` instances, but will be kept in a tree. Default is ``{'script', 'style'}``. """ def __init__(self, tagset=None, sequence_encoder=None, text_tokenize_func=None, kill_html_tags=None, replace_html_tags=None, ignore_html_tags=None): self.tagset = set(tagset) if tagset is not None else None self.text_tokenize_func = text_tokenize_func or tokenize self.kill_html_tags = kill_html_tags self.replace_html_tags = replace_html_tags if ignore_html_tags is not None: self.ignore_html_tags = set(ignore_html_tags) else: self.ignore_html_tags = {'script', 'style'} self.ignore_html_tags.add(Comment) # always ignore comments # FIXME: don't use shared instance of sequence encoder # because sequence encoder is stateful self.sequence_encoder = sequence_encoder or IobEncoder() tag_pattern = self.sequence_encoder.token_processor.tag_re.pattern self._tag_re = re.compile(r"(^|\s)%s(\s|$)" % tag_pattern.strip())
[docs] def tokenize_single(self, tree): """ Return two lists: * a list a list of HtmlToken tokens; * a list of associated tags. For unannotated HTML all tags will be "O" - they may be ignored. Example: >>> from webstruct import GateLoader, HtmlTokenizer >>> loader = GateLoader(known_entities={'PER'}) >>> html_tokenizer = HtmlTokenizer(replace_html_tags={'b': 'strong'}) >>> tree = loader.loadbytes(b"<p>hello, <PER>John <b>Doe</b></PER> <br> <PER>Mary</PER> said</p>") >>> html_tokens, tags = html_tokenizer.tokenize_single(tree) >>> html_tokens [HtmlToken(token='hello', parent=<Element p at ...>, index=0), HtmlToken...] >>> tags ['O', 'B-PER', 'I-PER', 'B-PER', 'O'] >>> for tok, iob_tag in zip(html_tokens, tags): ... print("%5s" % iob_tag, tok.token, tok.elem.tag, tok.parent.tag) O hello p p B-PER John p p I-PER Doe strong strong B-PER Mary br p O said br p For HTML without text it returns empty lists:: >>> html_tokenizer.tokenize_single(loader.loadbytes(b'<p></p>')) ([], []) """ tree = copy.deepcopy(tree) self.sequence_encoder.reset() self._prepare_tree(tree) res = list(zip(*self._process_tree(tree))) if not res: return [], [] return list(res[0]), list(res[1])
[docs] def tokenize(self, trees): X, y = [], [] for tree in trees: html_tokens, tags = self.tokenize_single(tree) X.append(html_tokens) y.append(tags) return X, y
[docs] def detokenize_single(self, html_tokens, tags): """ Build annotated ``lxml.etree.ElementTree`` from ``html_tokens`` (a list of :class:`.HtmlToken` instances) and ``tags`` (a list of their tags). Annotations are encoded as ``__START_TAG__`` and ``__END_TAG__`` text tokens (this is the format :mod:`webstruct.loaders` use). """ if len(html_tokens) != len(tags): raise ValueError("len(html_tokens) must be equal to len(tags)") if not html_tokens: return None orig_tree = html_tokens[0].root tree = copy.deepcopy(orig_tree) xpatheval = XPathEvaluator(tree) # find starts/ends of token groups token_groups =, tags)) starts, ends = set(), set() pos = 0 for gr_tokens, gr_tag in token_groups: n_tokens = len(gr_tokens) if gr_tag != 'O': starts.add(pos) ends.add(pos + n_tokens - 1) pos += n_tokens # mark starts/ends with special tokens data = zip(html_tokens, tags, range(len(html_tokens))) keyfunc = lambda rec: (rec[0].elem, rec[0].is_tail) for (orig_elem, is_tail), g in groupby(data, keyfunc): g = list(g) fix = False tokens = g[0][0].tokens[:] for token, tag, token_idx in g: if token_idx in starts: text = ' __START_%s__ %s' % (tag[2:], tokens[token.index]) tokens[token.index] = text fix = True if token_idx in ends: text = '%s __END_%s__ ' % (tokens[token.index], tag[2:]) tokens[token.index] = text fix = True if fix: xpath = orig_tree.getpath(orig_elem) elem = xpatheval(xpath)[0] if is_tail: elem.tail = smart_join(tokens) else: elem.text = smart_join(tokens) return tree
def _prepare_tree(self, tree): if self.kill_html_tags: kill_html_tags(tree, self.kill_html_tags, keep_child=True) if self.replace_html_tags: replace_html_tags(tree, self.replace_html_tags) def _process_tree(self, tree): if tree.tag in self.ignore_html_tags: return head_tokens, head_tags = self._tokenize_and_split(tree.text) for index, (token, tag) in enumerate(zip(head_tokens, head_tags)): yield HtmlToken(index, head_tokens, tree, False), tag for child in tree: # where is my precious "yield from"? for html_token, tag in self._process_tree(child): yield html_token, tag tail_tokens, tail_tags = self._tokenize_and_split(tree.tail) for index, (token, tag) in enumerate(zip(tail_tokens, tail_tags)): yield HtmlToken(index, tail_tokens, tree, True), tag self._cleanup_elem(tree) def _cleanup_elem(self, elem): """ Remove special tokens from elem """ if elem.text: elem.text = self._tag_re.sub("", elem.text) if elem.tail: elem.tail = self._tag_re.sub("", elem.tail) def _tokenize_and_split(self, text): input_tokens = self._limit_tags(self.text_tokenize_func(text or '')) input_tokens = map(six.text_type, input_tokens) return self.sequence_encoder.encode_split(input_tokens) def _limit_tags(self, input_tokens): if self.tagset is None: return input_tokens proc = self.sequence_encoder.token_processor token_classes = [proc.classify(tok) for tok in input_tokens] return [ tok for (tok, (typ, value)) in zip(input_tokens, token_classes) if not (typ in {'start', 'end'} and value not in self.tagset) ] def __getstate__(self): dct = self.__dict__.copy() if self.text_tokenize_func is tokenize: dct['text_tokenize_func'] = 'DEFAULT' return dct def __setstate__(self, state): if state['text_tokenize_func'] == 'DEFAULT': state['text_tokenize_func'] = tokenize self.__dict__.update(state)