Source code for webstruct.grouping

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Often it is not enough to find all entities on a webpage.
For example, one may want to extract separate "entity groups"
with combined information about individual offices
from a page that has contact details of several offices.
An "entity group" may constsit of the name of the office along
with office address (street, city, zipcode) and contacts
(phones, faxes) in this case.

.. _grouping-algorithm:

:mod:`webstruct.grouping` module provides a simple unsupervised
algorithm to group extracted entities into clusters. It works this way:

1. Each HTML token is assigned a position (an integer number).
   Position increases with each token and when HTML element changes.

2. Distances between subsequent entities are calculated.

3. If a distance between 2 subsequent entities is greater than
   a certain threshold then new "cluster" is started.

4. Clusters are scored - longer clusters get larger scores,
   but clusters with several entities of the same type are penalized
   (unless user explicitly asked not to penalize this entity type).
   Total clustering score is calculated as a sum of scores
   of individual clusters.

5. Threshold value for the final clustering is selected
   to maximize total clustering score (4). Each input page gets
   its own threshold.

from __future__ import absolute_import
import collections
import operator
from webstruct.sequence_encoding import IobEncoder

# XXX: If functions in this module are not flexible enough,
# PRs with refactoring are welcome.

_select_score = operator.itemgetter(1)
[docs]def choose_best_clustering(html_tokens, tags, score_func=None, score_kwargs=None): """ Select a best way to split ``html_tokens`` and ``tags`` into clusters of named entities. Return ``(threshold, score, clusters)`` tuple. ``clusters`` in the resulting tuple is a list of clusters; each cluster is a list of named entities: ``(html_tokens, tag, distance)`` tuples. ``html_tokens`` and ``tags`` could be a result of :meth:`webstruct.model.NER.extract_raw()`. If ``score_func`` is None, :func:`choose_best_clustering` uses :func:`default_clustering_score` to compute the score of a set of clusters under consideration (optimization objective). You can pass your own scoring function to change the heuristic used. Your function must have 2 positional parameters: ``clusters`` and ``threshold`` (and any number of keyword arguments) and return a score (number) which should be large if the clustering is good and small or negative if it is bad. ``score_kwargs`` is a dict of keyword arguments passed to scoring function. For example, if you use default ``score_func``, the goal is to group contact information, and you want to allow several phones (TEL) and faxes (FAX) in the same group, pass ``score_kwargs={'dont_penalize': {'TEL', 'FAX'}}``. """ score_func = score_func or default_clustering_score score_kwargs = score_kwargs or {} entities, positions = _entities_with_positions(html_tokens, tags) distances = _get_distances(positions) # first distance is irrelevant; prefer longer clusters thresholds = sorted(set(distances[1:]), reverse=True) if not thresholds: return (0, 0, group_entities_by_threshold(html_tokens, tags, 0)) possible_clusterings = [ group_entities_by_threshold(html_tokens, tags, threshold) for threshold in thresholds ] scores = [score_func(cl, threshold, **score_kwargs) for cl, threshold in zip(possible_clusterings, thresholds)] return max(zip(thresholds, scores, possible_clusterings), key=_select_score)
[docs]def default_clustering_score(clusters, threshold, dont_penalize=None): """ Heuristic scoring function for clusters: - larger clusters get bigger scores; - clusters that have multiple entities of the same tag are penalized (unless the tag is in ``dont_penalize`` set); - total score is computed as a sum of scores of all clusters. ``dont_penalize`` is a set of tags for which duplicates are not penalized. It is empty by default. """ # XXX: Maybe penalize large thresholds? dont_penalize = set(dont_penalize or set()) score = 0 for cluster in clusters: cnt = collections.Counter(tag for tokens, tag, dist in cluster) cl_score = sum(v for k, v in cnt.items() if v == 1 or k in dont_penalize) cl_score -= sum(v for k, v in cnt.items() if v != 1 and k not in dont_penalize) cl_score -= 1 score += cl_score return score
def group_entities_by_threshold(html_tokens, tags, threshold, iob_encoder=IobEncoder): entities, positions = _entities_with_positions(html_tokens, tags, iob_encoder) distances = _get_distances(positions) groups, buf = [], [] for ent, dist in zip(entities, distances): if dist > threshold: if buf: groups.append(buf) buf = [] buf.append((ent[0], ent[1], dist)) if buf: groups.append(buf) return groups def _get_positions(html_tokens): # XXX: IMHO it penalizes text between entities too much pos = -(2+1+2) prev_parent, prev_elem = None, None positions = [] for tok in html_tokens: if tok.parent is not prev_parent: pos += 2 prev_parent = tok.parent if tok.elem is not prev_elem: pos += 1 prev_elem = tok.elem pos += 2 positions.append(pos) return positions def _get_distances(start_end_pairs): """ >>> _get_distances([(0,1), (5,10), (11,12)]) [0, 4, 1] """ distances = [] prev_pos = 0 for start, end in start_end_pairs: distances.append(start-prev_pos) prev_pos=end return distances def _entities_with_positions(html_tokens, tags, iob_encoder=IobEncoder): tokens_with_positions = zip(html_tokens, _get_positions(html_tokens)) data = zip(tokens_with_positions, tags) entities, positions = [], [] for items, tag in if tag == 'O': continue tokens, token_positions = zip(*items) entities.append((tokens, tag)) positions.append((token_positions[0], token_positions[-1])) return entities, positions