Source code for webstruct.model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:mod:`webstruct.model` contains convetional wrappers for creating NER models.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen
from lxml.html import tostring

from webstruct.loaders import HtmlLoader
from webstruct.html_tokenizer import HtmlTokenizer
from webstruct.sequence_encoding import IobEncoder
from webstruct.utils import smart_join
from webstruct.grouping import choose_best_clustering
from webstruct.webannotator import EntityColors, to_webannotator

[docs]class NER(object): """ Class for extracting named entities from HTML. Initialize it with a trained ``model``. ``model`` must have ``predict`` method that accepts lists of :class:`~.HtmlToken` sequences and returns lists of predicted IOB2 tags. :func:`~.create_wapiti_pipeline` function returns such model. """ def __init__(self, model, loader=None, html_tokenizer=None, entity_colors=None): self.model = model self.loader = loader or HtmlLoader() self.html_tokenizer = html_tokenizer or HtmlTokenizer() if entity_colors is None: entity_colors = EntityColors() self.entity_colors = entity_colors
[docs] def extract(self, bytes_data): """ Extract named entities from binary HTML data ``bytes_data``. Return a list of ``(entity_text, entity_type)`` tuples. """ html_tokens, tags = self.extract_raw(bytes_data) groups =, tags)) return _drop_empty( (self.build_entity(tokens), tag) for (tokens, tag) in groups if tag != 'O' )
[docs] def extract_from_url(self, url): """ A convenience wrapper for :meth:`extract` method that downloads input data from a remote URL. """ data = urlopen(url).read() return self.extract(data)
[docs] def extract_raw(self, bytes_data): """ Extract named entities from binary HTML data ``bytes_data``. Return a list of ``(html_token, iob2_tag)`` tuples. """ tree = self.loader.loadbytes(bytes_data) html_tokens, _ = self.html_tokenizer.tokenize_single(tree) tags = self.model.predict([html_tokens])[0] return html_tokens, tags
[docs] def extract_groups(self, bytes_data, dont_penalize=None): """ Extract groups of named entities from binary HTML data ``bytes_data``. Return a list of lists of ``(entity_text, entity_type)`` tuples. Entites are grouped using algorithm from :mod:`webstruct.grouping`. """ html_tokens, tags = self.extract_raw(bytes_data) return extract_entitiy_groups(html_tokens, tags, dont_penalize=dont_penalize, join_tokens=self.build_entity)
[docs] def extract_groups_from_url(self, url, dont_penalize=None): """ A convenience wrapper for :meth:`extract_groups` method that downloads input data from a remote URL. """ data = urlopen(url).read() return self.extract_groups(data, dont_penalize=dont_penalize)
[docs] def build_entity(self, html_tokens): """ Join tokens to an entity. Return an entity, as text. By default this function uses :func:`webstruct.utils.smart_join`. Override it to customize :meth:`extract`, :meth:`extract_from_url` and :meth:`extract_groups` results. If this function returns empty string or None, entity is dropped. """ return _join_tokens(html_tokens)
[docs] def annotate(self, bytes_data, pretty_print=False): """ Return annotated HTML data in WebAnnotator format. """ html_tokens, tags = self.extract_raw(bytes_data) tree = self.html_tokenizer.detokenize_single(html_tokens, tags) tree = to_webannotator(tree, self.entity_colors) return tostring(tree, pretty_print=pretty_print)
[docs] def annotate_url(self, url): """ Return annotated HTML data in WebAnnotator format; input is downloaded from ``url``. """ data = urlopen(url).read() return self.annotate(data)
def __getstate__(self): dct = self.__dict__.copy() dct['entity_colors'] = dict(self.entity_colors) return dct def __setstate__(self, state): state['entity_colors'] = EntityColors(**state['entity_colors']) self.__dict__.update(state)
def _drop_empty(entities): return [(text, tag) for (text, tag) in entities if text] def _join_tokens(html_tokens): return smart_join(t.token for t in html_tokens) def extract_entitiy_groups(html_tokens, tags, dont_penalize=None, join_tokens=_join_tokens): """ Convert html_tokens and tags to a list of entity groups (a list of lists of (text, tag) tuples). """ threshold, score, clusters = choose_best_clustering( html_tokens, tags, score_kwargs={'dont_penalize': dont_penalize} ) groups = [] for cluster in clusters: entities = _drop_empty( (join_tokens(tokens), tag) for tokens, tag, distance in cluster ) if entities: groups.append(entities) return groups